Språk kurs lære
A language course is one of several ways to learn Norwegian.

Learn Norwegian

av Reidar Bjorvatn
A language course is probably the most common way to learn Norwegian. But we also have many other resources you might find useful.

Our collection includes a large number of different Norwegian language courses, listed here in our catalogue. In addition, you can get access to "Veien inn", an Internet course for beginners and advanced learners alike.

But we can also provide you with many other resources to help you along:

  • Easy readers ("lettlest"): thin books with an easy vocabulary and short sentences, meant for adults. Located at the main library on the second floor.
  • Comics and graphic novels for children, youth and adults, found in the main library on the first floor (children and youth) and second floor (adults).
  • "Lesekroken": Norwegian fairytales in several languages, accessible online. You can read while you listen along to the stories.
  • We can also provide you with books in many different languages from the National library, "Det flerspråklige bibliotek", both single books and larger collections.
  • We also encourage you to join one of our language cafes, where people from many different language backgrounds meet up to practice Norwegian together.